Virtual Smile Assessment

Is Invisalign the Right Option for Your Child?


Apart from the more common dental braces for treating misaligned teeth, there is a much more private option available today called Invisalign®. Custom-made aligners made of clear plastic are prepared to assist in modeling your teeth into the desired position. This treatment is a popular option for adults who wish to correct teeth misalignment without […]

Can Kids Model with Braces?


Kids are so amazing in advertisements because they portray innocence and genuine emotions. For a child to appear in an advert, they need to be nurtured in almost all areas of their lives like public speaking, personal presentation, and communication skills. But what happens when your child has braces? Can they still model and feature […]

What Is the Right Age to Get Braces?


Thanks to today’s technology, kids often have the option to get braces at a very young age. While this can be beneficial for many children, some kids need to wait until they are a bit more mature to get brackets and wires. There’s no one right age to get braces — it’s different for everyone […]

Helping Your Child Cope with Braces


Dealing with braces is never easy, especially with children and teens who have to deal with the criticism of their friends and classmates. By helping your children take care of their teeth during this period, and by taking their concerns seriously, you can ensure a more positive experience. Establish a Cleaning Routine While oral hygiene […]

What to Expect When Getting Braces


If you or your child is getting braces put on for the first time, you may feel a bit apprehensive about going to the orthodontist. Once you know what to expect, you’ll feel much more at ease. Getting brackets and wires may seem scary at first, but it’s actually a very simple and straightforward process. […]

Talking to Your Child About Braces For Kids

braces for kids

Like many kids, your child may be a bit intimidated by the idea of getting braces. They may be scared it will hurt, or they may worry about what they will look like with braces. However, some of these fears are based on misinformation. The process of getting braces is now simpler and more comfortable […]

Things to Know Before Getting Braces for Your Kids

Teen braces in Niceville

The first thing you notice about children and adults is their smile. Crooked teeth can make it difficult for your kids to mingle and play with others freely and may eventually harm their self-esteem. When it comes to getting braces for your kids, our expert team in Pensacola offers you several options. Nonetheless, be sure […]

Can You Play Sports with Braces?


Playing sports is beneficial for your teen’s mental stimulation and the perfect way to achieve social camaraderie among their peers. But it so happens that your sports-loving teen wears braces, and you are wary their condition may limit their ability to do what they love. This is not necessarily the case, however, as we will […]

How to Handle Halloween When You Have Braces


Food is one of the best parts of a holiday, whether it’s Fourth of July hot dogs or Thanksgiving turkey. For those with orthodontic work, though, a holiday can be a tricky time, especially Halloween, which has candy as its signature food. However, it is still possible to enjoy Halloween when you or your children […]

Do Braces Hurt? What You Need to Know

Do braces hurt? This is one of the common questions about braces many of our patients have been asking. If you are also anxious about wearing braces, don’t be. This is a common treatment method that has been around for quite sometime and has only improved with time. Do they really hurt? The honest answer […]