Virtual Smile Assessment


When should you start orthodontic treatment?

While an orthodontist can improve a smile at any age, there is an optimal window to initiate treatment that yields the best results with minimal time and cost. The American Association of Orthodontists advises that children receive their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7 or sooner if orthodontic issues are evident. While treatment may not be immediately necessary at this young age, early assessment by a children’s orthodontist in Fort Walton Beach allows for timely intervention, ensuring treatment begins at the most effective moment.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that the initial orthodontic evaluation should occur at the first sign of orthodontic problems or no later than age 7. At this early age, orthodontic treatment may not be necessary, but vigilant examination can anticipate the most advantageous time to begin treatment.

What are the advantages of getting an early orthodontic evaluation?

The benefits of early orthodontic evaluation are numerous and impactful. Here are a few key advantages:
Early Detection of Problems: An early evaluation helps in identifying potential orthodontic issues before they develop into more complex conditions. Detecting problems early can lead to simpler and more effective treatments.

Timely Intervention: By evaluating orthodontic needs early, interventions can be applied at the most appropriate developmental stages, which often results in a shorter and less complicated treatment process.

Guided Growth and Development: Early assessments allow orthodontists to influence the growth of the jaw and correct bite problems, potentially reducing the need for more invasive procedures later on, such as extractions or surgery.

Prevention of Future Issues: Addressing orthodontic issues early can prevent them from worsening. Problems like crowding, misalignments, and incorrect jaw development can be easier to resolve when identified at a younger age.

Monitoring and Planning: If immediate treatment is not necessary, early evaluation gives the orthodontist an opportunity to monitor the child’s growth patterns closely. This ongoing surveillance ensures that if and when treatment is required, it can begin at the ideal time to achieve optimal results.

By engaging in early orthodontic evaluations, parents can take proactive steps towards ensuring their child’s oral health and well-being, potentially saving time, expense, and discomfort in the future.

Why is screening at age 7 recommended?

By the age of 7, the first adult molars appear, setting the foundation for the back bite. This developmental stage allows our children’s orthodontist in Fort Walton Beach to assess the relationships between teeth from front to back and side to side. For instance, emerging incisors can signal potential issues such as overbite, open bite, crowding, or gummy smiles. Early screening at this age enhances the likelihood of achieving a remarkable smile with our braces for kids in the Fort Walton Beach area.

What are the benefits of interceptive orthodontic treatment?

Interceptive orthodontic treatment provides numerous benefits, including:
Creating Room for Crowded Teeth: It helps in making space for emerging teeth that are crowded, preventing misalignments and discomfort.
Promoting Facial Symmetry: By influencing jaw growth at an early age, it aids in achieving facial symmetry.
Reducing Trauma Risk: This treatment decreases the likelihood of trauma by addressing protruding front teeth early on.
Preserving Space for Unerupted Teeth: It ensures that there is adequate space for teeth that have not yet emerged, which can prevent future dental complications.
Minimizing Tooth Extractions: Early intervention can reduce the need for tooth removal, preserving the natural tooth structure.
Shortening Treatment Time: Interceptive treatment can reduce the overall time required for braces, making the orthodontic process quicker and more efficient.
These advantages demonstrate how interceptive orthodontic treatment can be essential for dental health and aesthetic alignment, providing long-term benefits that go beyond just a beautiful smile.

Are you a suitable candidate for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontics goes beyond just creating a beautiful smile—it’s about transforming your bite and overall dental health! Misaligned teeth or jaws, known as malocclusions, can affect how you smile, chew, and even how you feel about your smile. Our braces for kids in Fort Walton Beach tackle these issues head-on, ensuring you not only look amazing but feel amazing too! Get ready to experience the life-changing benefits of a perfect smile and a healthy bite!

Why is it important to treat malocclusions?

The American Association of Orthodontists highlights several risks associated with untreated malocclusions. Crowded teeth can complicate proper brushing and flossing, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Protruding teeth are more prone to accidental damage, such as chipping. Crossbites can lead to uneven growth and abnormal wear of teeth, while open bites may encourage tongue-thrusting behaviors and speech difficulties. Therefore, seeking treatment from our Fort Walton Beach based children’s orthodontist does far more than enhance your smile; it contributes to overall dental health and wellbeing.

Why should I fix my bite?

According to studies by the American Association of Orthodontists, untreated malocclusions can lead to a host of problems. Crowded teeth are harder to brush and floss properly, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Protruding teeth are more prone to accidental chipping. Crossbites can cause unfavorable growth and uneven tooth wear, while open bites can result in tongue-thrusting habits and speech impediments. Orthodontics is about so much more than just a pretty smile—it’s about creating a healthier, happier you!