Metal vs. Ceramic Braces
If you or a loved one will need braces to correct crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, overbite, and/or underbite, then you’ll probably need to decide whether you want metal or ceramic braces. While they both exist to provide the same results, there are some differences that you should understand in order to make the best […]
Invisalign vs Braces
One of the biggest concerns for individuals who need orthodontics treatment revolves around the straightening of the teeth. There are two common means for straightening and aligning the teeth that are very popular. These are traditional braces and Invisalign. It is important to know the differences between these orthodontic solutions to make a better decision […]
Benefits of Mini Diamond Braces
In the past, the only option that people had if they needed braces was the traditional metal braces. Today, there are many different types of braces, including mini diamond braces. Mini diamond braces are made out of stainless steel, and have many benefits over traditional braces. At Grace and Bowman Orthodontics in Fort Walton Beach […]
Will Wisdom Teeth Mess Up My Braces?
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars. They usually come in when a person is in their late teens or early 20s. They are nicknamed “wisdom teeth” because their appearance usually coincides with college and adulthood. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth often cause problems and have to be removed. Because a person’s jaw is […]
Benefits of Smart Clip Braces
Braces are an orthodontic treatment to transform crooked teeth into beautiful smiles. Although most people wear braces at some point in their life, some feel self-conscious about wearing braces. Braces can be uncomfortable and unflattering, but new state-of-the-art technology has made wearing braces more bearable. Smart Clip Braces are the most advanced braces on the […]
How Do Braces Move My Teeth?
Braces are a rather ingenious tool that was invented to move teeth. They can correct issues like overbites and can also fix cosmetic issues by making all teeth straight and even. Since teeth are bone, this process can take quite a while, but how do braces move teeth in the first place? Grace and Bowman […]
Braces-Friendly Christmas Cookies
Christmas is coming, and as sure as Santa will arrive Christmas night with gifts in tow, families will be enjoying their favorite Christmas cookies during the holiday season. And while just about everyone loves Christmas cookies, and have their own personal favorites, kids and adults who wear braces should avoid hard cookies, cookies with hard […]
Ceramic Braces Stain-Fighting Tips
Many patients rave about ceramic braces because they are clear, which makes them less noticeable to others, and extremely effective at improving your smile. Still, staining remains a concern for many patients. At Grace & Bowman Orthodontics in Fort Walton Beach and Niceville, we offer patients a variety of braces to straighten their teeth, improve […]
Thanksgiving Is Coming
Thanksgiving arrives later this month and all of us at Grace & Bowman Orthodontics in Fort Walton Beach and Niceville want to wish all our patients and their families a healthy and happy holiday. We hope it’s filled with family, friends and all your favorite foods! At Grace & Bowman, we know from experience that […]
Orthodontic-Friendly Recipes
Kids and teenagers can be picky eaters, and it can be hard to come up with meals they will enjoy – and that are good for them. It’s also tough to find foods that children and adults with braces can enjoy, given the dietary limitations those with braces face. At Grace & Bowman Orthodontics in […]