Virtual Smile Assessment

SmartClip Braces: A New Option for a New Generation

Braces are a medical requirement for a certain segment of the population. A decent percentage of people will need to get braces in order to keep their mouth from becoming damaged as a result of teeth that are growing in improperly. Many others will decide in consultation with their dentist that they want to get […]

10 Reasons SmartClip Braces are Better than the Competition

SmartClip braces

Whether you are a young person or an adult, you likely want an impressive smile. If your teeth do not line up correctly, this may be difficult. In fact, crooked teeth can make you so self-conscious that you may be hesitant to smile at all. When it is time for braces, you have a choice […]

Experience Less Friction with SmartClip Braces

SmartClip braces

You’ve prepared yourself for the long road ahead with braces because you know it will be worth the results. Moving your teeth into the proper alignment is going to give you an unbelievable smile. You’ll have additional perks when you find that it’s easier to keep your teeth clean and you don’t have to worry […]