Virtual Smile Assessment

Is Invisalign the Right Choice for You in Fort Walton Beach?


Invisalign® is an effective and affordable way to straighten your teeth while minimizing changes to your overall appearance. One of the reasons that adults are drawn to Invisalign® is that unlike traditional metal braces, these are clear and virtually invisible. The professional dental team at Brodie Bowman, DMD can help you at either their Fort […]

Tips to Get the Most Benefits out of Your Invisalign Treatment


For many people hesitant to try out traditional wire braces, Invisalign® can be an excellent alternative. Apart from being more convenient, this treatment is also painless. It’s really easy to remove and clean the trays, meaning you can eat and brush your teeth much more comfortably. But like other braces, new users need to take care […]

Six Ways to Prevent Bad Breath with Braces


Your orthodontic treatment can brighten your smile by straightening your teeth and aligning your bite using braces that Fort Walton Beach residents can trust. Before treatment, you can research more about it and expect to make some lifestyle adjustments to help manage a few challenges that come along with having braces. Bad breath is one […]

Four Ways to Keep Teeth Clean While Wearing Braces


If your child has braces, it is essential that they clean their teeth properly to avoid problems such as inflamed gums and tooth decay. Ensure that they understand to keep their mouth healthy, they have to commit to taking care of their teeth on a daily basis. If you are considering braces for kids in […]

Wisdom Teeth and Braces in Fort Walton Beach

Braces Fort Walton Beach

When parents in the Fort Walton Beach area bring in their kids for braces, the most common questions we get include things like, “Will they hurt?”, “How long will I have them on?”, and “What about when my wisdom teeth start growing?” Most people wear braces between the ages of 12 and 17. The main […]

Why More Adults are Getting Braces in Fort Walton Beach

getting braces

A couple of decades ago, seeing adults with braces was a rarity. Most people thought that braces were only for teens or children. Nowadays, more and more adults in Fort Walton Beach and elsewhere are getting braces to boost their self-esteem and oral health. Some celebrities have also been spotted wearing braces in public. Cost-effective […]

Looking for Invisalign Near Fort Walton Beach?


For several generations, orthodontists in Fort Walton Beach and elsewhere primarily used metallic braces to correct various classes of malocclusion. Improper bites and crowding have been traditionally fixed by heavy-duty braces that are conspicuous. Brackets, arch wires and ligatures are perhaps the most important components of classic braces that are cemented directly on the enamel […]

Braces: Not Just For Kids

Most people associate braces and orthodontic treatment with the sometimes awkward teen and pre-teen years. While large numbers of young people continue to receive orthodontic treatment, more adults than ever before are seeking to improve their health and self-esteem by visiting their orthodontist. The American Association of Orthodontists recently reported that the number of adults seeking […]

Your Child’s First Visit: When Should It Be?

Should I schedule an orthodontic appointment for my child? That’s a question most parents will ask themselves as their kids grow, but waiting until they are out of elementary school could cause orthodontic and dental problems later in life. Many families opt for early orthodontic care, which gives children a better chance to have healthy […]