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Adult Braces In Fort Walton Beach

Adult Orthodontic Treatment: An Overview

Many believe orthodontic treatment is only for children and teenagers. However, one in four orthodontic patients in Fort Walton Beach is now an adult. Braces, aligners, and other orthodontic treatments have become increasingly popular among adults due to modern technology making these devices more discreet and comfortable. There’s no better time than now to pursue teeth straightening as an adult.

What is Adult Orthodontic Treatment?

If you live in Fort Walton Beach, adult braces are just one option for straightening teeth, aiming to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile. The primary difference between adult and child orthodontics is that adults have fully developed bone structures, so orthodontists work with permanent teeth. In contrast, child orthodontics, known as interceptive orthodontics, aims to prevent and correct malocclusion issues before jaw development is complete.

Why Should Adults Get Orthodontic Treatment?

Straightening teeth is not only about improving appearance but also about health. Misaligned teeth can lead to serious problems, such as poor digestion, sleep apnea, tooth loss, headaches, neck pain, and difficulty pronouncing certain sounds.

Why Do Adults Need Braces or Other Orthodontic Treatments?

Adults seeking teeth straightening usually fall into three categories:
Those who have never been treated before for various reasons.
Adults who had braces in the past but need treatment again due to improper use of retainers.
Adults who didn’t need orthodontics when younger but now require it due to issues like wisdom teeth growth shifting their teeth.
Orthodontic treatment can address a wide range of issues, including crowding, open bite, protrusion, overbite, crossbite, and gapped teeth.

Benefits of Aligners or Braces for Adults

Orthodontics offer numerous benefits, including:
Improved Aesthetics: Achieve the smile of your dreams by correcting dental imperfections.
Improved Health: Orthodontics improve chewing, facilitating proper digestion, and can help with respiratory or muscular problems.
Improved Pronunciation: Correcting bite problems can improve articulation of certain sounds and eliminate lisps.
Preparation for Subsequent Treatment: Orthodontics can prepare your mouth for other dental treatments, such as implants and crowns, which are often recommended to complete prior to these more permanent dental procedures.

Teeth Straightening After 50

Many adults over 50 seek teeth straightening with braces or other devices. Specialists can treat adults at any age, although there are exceptions, such as patients with periodontitis, osteoporosis, impacted teeth, or certain bite conditions. The orthodontist will evaluate the patient’s oral health to determine eligibility for treatment. Typically, problems with adult braces for Fort Walton Beach patients over 50 are uncommon. Orthodontic treatment at this age is important not only for aesthetic reasons but also for improving hygiene.

Duration of Adult Orthodontic Treatment

The treatment duration varies depending on the type of orthodontics, typically ranging from 6 months to 2 years. Most adults can choose between Invisalign, ceramic, or metal braces at our Fort Walton Beach office, but a consultation is necessary to determine the best option and the expected treatment time.

Transform Your Smile Today

Braces aren’t just for kids anymore! Adults of any age can transform their smile as long as their gums and bone structure are healthy. We offer a variety of orthodontic treatments tailored to different age groups, including options specifically for adults. Why wait? Start your journey to a new smile today!
Orthodontic care in later years can significantly enhance your appearance and boost your self-esteem. Aligning your teeth can also markedly improve your dental health, preventing issues such as gum and bone loss, tooth decay, uneven wear of tooth enamel, headaches, and TMJ/TMD pain.
Thanks to modern techniques and appliances, our treatments are more comfortable and require fewer visits, reducing overall treatment time. Options available may include clear aligners, traditional metal braces, or translucent braces at our Fort Walton Beach clinic that can be used at night to correct mild misalignments.
During your initial consultation in our Fort Walton Beach or Niceville offices, we’ll determine the best treatment plan tailored to your needs, discuss the expected duration of treatment, and provide an estimate of the cost.
A significant number of our patients are adults who believe it’s never too late to enhance their most valuable asset their smile.