Virtual Smile Assessment

Braces for Men and Women in the Fort Walton Beach Area

Your teeth are healthy and strong. They shine because you make them a top priority. You see your dentist regularly and go for professional teeth cleanings. That’s all well and good, but you still don’t want others to see your teeth because they aren’t straight. It is a problem that you can’t correct on your own. Even if you are an adult, it isn’t too late to do something about it. Teeth Braces for men and women are possible in the Fort Walton Beach area. You can transform your smile.

What Can Braces Offer You?

You might think that braces are only for teenagers, but many men and women choose to have them later in life. Braces give you the opportunity to have the smile that you always wanted. You will have a new sense of confidence every time you flash your pearly whites.

Be more open in conversations with friends and colleagues. Feel good about the way that you look. Not only will orthodontic treatment help you have the smile you deserve, but you will also find that it is easier to keep your teeth in tiptop shape when they are properly aligned. When your teeth are in the proper position, you can avoid problems like TMJ disorders and sleep apnea.

You Have Options

In the past, metal brackets and wires were your only option for braces. While this is still the most common form of orthodontic treatment, ceramic brackets are available now if you would like your braces to blend in with your teeth. Clear aligners are made out of plastic and will slide in over your teeth in a custom fit. You have many alternatives. Our orthodontist in the Fort Walton Beach area will help you find the right choice for your needs.

Finding Your Braces

To determine what course of action to take, you are going to need to come in to see our orthodontist. Discuss your concerns with your teeth. We will evaluate you and use medical imagery get a clear picture of what kind of problems you have with the alignment of your teeth. You may be dealing with crowding, or you could have gaps in your teeth from too much space. Your bite may be an issue. Regardless of what type of orthodontic problem you have, our orthodontist will come up with a solution that is tailored to suit you.

See Our Fort Walton Beach Orthodontist About Braces for Men and Women Today

If you are in the Fort Walton Beach area and looking to improve your smile with braces, visit the offices of Brodie Bowman, DMD in Fort Walton Beach and Niceville. As you explore your treatment options, you can get an idea of how long your treatment will take to give you that unforgettable smile that you have wanted for so long. Contact us today to learn more about your options!