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Braces for Adults: How Old is Too Old?

In the past, taunts of ‘tin grin’ and ‘metal mouth’ were the sole domain of junior high and high schools. If you didn’t get your teeth straightened out by graduation, you likely never would. Sadly, this paved the way for a lot of adults who needed orthodontic treatment and never received it, leading to tooth damage, decay and, eventually, tooth loss and dentures.

With tooth loss no longer an acceptable consequence of aging and technology growing by leaps and bounds, more and more adults are seeking orthodontia and getting the braces they need.

How Old is Too Old?

There is no such thing as being too old for braces. As long as your teeth, gums and bones are healthy, your mouth will respond to braces just as a teen’s would. Because adults are no longer growing, progress may be a bit slower.

Adults, however, are far more compliant about keeping appointments and wearing appliances as directed. This compliance with treatment usually negates any time difference between the two age groups. The average time for wearing braces is between 18 and 24 months.

The Benefits of Adult Braces

If your teeth are crowded, or there are gaps, you may be wondering how adult braces can make any difference other than simple aesthetics. In truth, straight teeth are not only good-looking, but they are also less prone to decay, harder to crack or chip and are easier to floss.

These factors promote good health and decrease the chances of tooth loss or damage. If you want to avoid costly repairs in the future, investing in straightening your teeth is a wise choice.

Braces Before Implants

No discussion of adult braces is complete without mentioning the benefits of orthodontia before having dental implants. For example, if you lost a permanent molar in your thirties, it’s possible the surrounding teeth have moved into the gap a bit.

If you want to have that tooth replaced with an implant, you’ll need braces to recreate the necessary slot. If your jaws are misaligned and could damage an implant, you may need braces to correct this before moving forward with your treatment plan.

If it is your intention to keep your natural teeth as long as possible, you are never too old for braces. Straight teeth are strong, less prone to damage and easy to floss. If you’d like to explore your options for adult orthodontia, contact the office of Dr. Brodie Bowman today to schedule an appointment.