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How Can You Keep Braces From Being Noticeable? 10 Advantages of Clear Braces

If you’ve been told you need braces but have been putting off getting them because you don’t want a mouthful of metal, you’re in luck. Bowman DMD in Fort Walton Beach, FL offers clear braces, which are much less noticeable than the metal alternative. However, that isn’t the only advantage of the clear option.

10 Advantages of Clear Braces

They’re Less Noticeable

The transparent nature of these braces is the top advantage of clear braces. You can get these braces, which are ceramic, in any color you wish, but most people choose clear or tooth-colored. These braces are particularly popular with adults, who have passed through their awkward teenage years and don’t want to re-live them by wearing metal braces. However, more teenagers are choosing them these days because they reduce the stigma of braces among their peers.

While ceramic braces are not as unnoticeable as invisible aligners, they are still far less noticeable than metal braces. From a distance of even a few feet, they’re almost invisible, and they may be completely undetectable in photos, especially if you also get clear bands to go with the clear brackets. The thin metal wire that is strung through the brackets is still visible, but it’s not so obvious that it will draw attention to your braces.

They’re Smaller

Not only do the clear brackets make these braces less noticeable, but they’re also smaller in size than their metal counterparts. This means they take up less space on your teeth, thereby further minimizing their appearance. You also won’t feel like you have a mouthful of dental appliances because they have a smaller profile than metal braces. You’ll still have to get used to them, but that should happen more quickly than with traditional braces.

They’re Easier to Remove

We use a bonding agent on ceramic clear braces that is easier to remove through technological advances than the bonding agent used with metal braces. This makes the process of removing your brackets easier, but it also minimizes damage to your teeth’s enamel when we take your braces off.

This bonding agent does not erode tooth enamel but is still strong enough to ensure your brackets stay on your teeth throughout treatment and allow for frequent tightening.

They Work Faster Than Aligners

Even if your braces are clear, it doesn’t mean you want to keep them on for years! Fortunately, ceramic clear braces move your teeth faster than invisible aligners. While aligners are certainly appropriate for some patients, if you’re looking to get results quickly, they may not be right for you. Plus, you have to be diligent in wearing aligners for at least 20 hours per day, so if you forget to put them in, you’re extending your treatment time.

Since you can’t remove clear ceramic braces, your treatment will always remain on target (barring some unforeseen circumstances). Moreover, the force used to move your teeth with braces is more than that used with aligners, meaning your teeth will move faster with braces because they’re being forced to. This doesn’t mean that your teeth are being damaged, though. Either method of teeth straightening is safe for most patients. We’ll determine if you’re a good candidate at your first consultation.

They Are More Comfortable Than Metal Braces

Due to the material they’re made of, ceramic braces are naturally more comfortable than metal braces. Metal brackets have squared edges, which can be sharp, and can irritate your gums. Ceramic braces have rounded edges, which don’t cause as much irritation as their metal counterparts.

Additionally, the smaller bracket size means there is literally less material to irritate your mouth overall. Whenever you have an option that can get the same results with less discomfort, you should consider that option.

They Don’t Stain Like They Used To

When clear braces were first introduced by orthodontists, they were made out of plastic. This material was highly prone to staining whenever it came into contact with foods like red pasta sauce, red wine, coffee, beets, and others. These days, because the brackets are ceramic, they don’t stain nearly as easily as the plastic version. Of course, you still need to practice good oral hygiene to ensure they remain clear and as unnoticeable as possible.

You’ll still want to limit staining foods, such as those mentioned above, and refrain from smoking to avoid stains. We also recommend you brush your teeth three times per day rather than the standard two times per day, especially if you do consume a food or beverage that has the potential to stain your braces. The bands used to connect your brackets are more likely to stain than the brackets themselves, but these are changed frequently at your appointments.

They Can Be Customized

Some people get clear ceramic braces because they want the option to make them as unnoticeable as possible, but they also want to be able to customize their mouth appliances to reflect their personality.

With these braces, you can choose colored bands to connect your clear brackets, which can make you stand out wherever you go. You can coordinate with your school colors, a holiday, or even a specific outfit. Young patients often enjoy changing band colors at every appointment.

They Can Correct More Conditions Than Aligners

Invisible aligners are great for people who don’t have significant dental issues like large gaps between their teeth or severely rotated teeth. However, if you have one of these problems, aligners may not be effective in correcting them.

Clear ceramic braces can give you a similar amount of discretion as invisible aligners but can correct more dental conditions. In fact, they can correct the same dental conditions that metal braces can correct, but in a less noticeable way.

They Are Less Expensive Than Aligners

People choose invisible aligners because they are more convenient than traditional braces in that they can remove the aligners to eat and care for their teeth. However, this convenience comes with an additional cost.

While clear ceramic braces are a little pricier than metal braces, they are significantly less expensive than invisible aligners. When you combine the fact that they also work faster than aligners, you have very few reasons not to choose the ceramic option.

They Promote Confidence and Self-Esteem

Teenagers already deal with confidence and self-esteem issues. When you add in metal braces, these qualities can really suffer, especially if they’re self-conscious about their looks. Clear ceramic braces can help make this awkward time in their lives more bearable by minimizing the visibility of their mouth gear.

Even adults report feeling more confident when they’re straightening their teeth with clear brackets instead of metal ones, especially if their job requires them to speak in front of customers or clients.

Length of Treatment

One of the most frequently asked questions we get about braces, whether you’re getting the clear or metal version, is how long will treatment be? Unfortunately, we can’t give a precise time frame for how long you’ll have to wear braces because there are several factors involved in determining the length of treatment. The condition of your teeth, how well you respond to treatment, and the type of braces you choose all play a role in your journey.

For example, if you have a severe overbite or underbite, you’ll probably have to wear braces for a longer time than someone who doesn’t have that issue. If you choose invisible aligners, you will likely have a longer treatment time than if you choose clear or metal braces. Finally, we can’t predict how your teeth will respond to treatment, as some people’s teeth naturally move faster than others. We’ll be able to give you a better estimate after your examination.

Typically, braces treatment can take anywhere from six months to 30 months, depending on the above-mentioned factors. On average, most patients remain in braces for about 18 months. Don’t forget that you’ll have to wear a retainer after treatment to ensure your teeth remain in their new positions. You’ll wear your retainer daily at first, but eventually, you’ll probably be able to wear it only at night. Following these instructions will ensure your new smile never changes.

More Than Cosmetic

You may be under the impression that the only reason to get braces is to give you a beautiful, straight smile. While this is certainly a primary benefit of braces, it’s not the only reason to get them. Crowded and misaligned teeth are more prone to decay because they can be more difficult to clean. They can trap food and make it difficult to floss. Once your teeth are straight, you’ll notice that your gums and teeth are healthier overall.

Sometimes, a misaligned bite can cause pain in the jaw that can make chewing difficult. By correcting your bite with braces, you can eliminate this pain and make eating a truly enjoyable experience once again. You can reap the cosmetic benefits of braces and get any underlying dental issues corrected at the same time. This medical benefit of braces is why some dental insurance plans cover at least a portion of the cost.

Not Just for Teens

Some adults are under the impression that they are too old to get braces because this treatment is frequently associated with the teenage years. However, this is simply not true. You can get braces any time after all your permanent teeth come in. Moreover, now that there are several options for braces instead of only metal, you can choose the type of braces that is best for your lifestyle. You no longer have to have a mouthful of metal.

Many of our patients are adults who were too embarrassed to get braces when they were younger. When they learn they can get the smile of their dreams and not have to wear metal braces, they are relieved and excited to get the process under way. You don’t have to give up on getting the smile you’re meant to have just because you didn’t get braces when you were a teenager. We’ll help you get that smile right now!

Your Consultation

If you’re not yet convinced that you can benefit from clear braces, you may want to come into our office for a consultation. We’ll examine your teeth and create an individualized treatment plan that will include the estimated time you’ll wear braces, the approximate cost of treatment, and financing options that are available to you. We’ll also discuss which braces option is the best one to treat your dental conditions. There is no obligation to get braces following this appointment.

What’s Next?

Whether you’ve decided to get ceramic clear braces or you’re still undecided, it’s a good idea to speak with us about your orthodontic options. Contact Bowman DMD to schedule your initial consultation and examination today.