You know that your orthodontic correction will be worth it in the long run. You will need to make a considerable investment of time and money. You will have to wait it out as you endure months or years with braces, whether they are braces on the front of your teeth, behind your teeth, or you are wearing aligners made out of plastic. What you may not realize is that wearing braces of any kind is going to involve some discomfort. Regardless of what type of orthodontic treatment you are receiving, it is going to adjust your teeth. Whether you have just begun treatment or you have recently had an adjustment, you are going to notice the pressure on your teeth as they are gently forced to shift. However, there are different remedies that you can try to make the process easier on yourself.
Take Pain Relievers
There are many options when it comes to pain relief that you can find in the store. You don’t need anything prescription strength. Begin taking your preferred pain medication as soon as you have had your adjustment or immediately after your braces have been put on your teeth. It will ease the aching as your teeth adjust.
Consider Oral Anesthetics
Oral anesthetics are helpful as well. They usually involve a gel that is applied to your gums, numbing the pain. They are temporary, but they can help you to get through the worst of your symptoms until you are free from any pain.
Apply Cold and Warm Compresses to Your Jaw
If pain medication isn’t enough or you would like to try different options, alternate cold and warm packs that can be applied to your jaw. You will be able to ease your discomfort while you are resting at home.
Watch What You Eat
It’s normal for your mouth to be tender at different phases of orthodontic treatment. You can ease your discomfort by choosing foods that are softer during these sensitive times. Yogurt, soup, apple sauce, Jell-O, and pastas are a few examples of foods that will not apply pressure to your tender teeth.
Try a Cold Beverage
Whether you indulge in a milkshake or fill a glass with ice water, you can chill your mouth. This will reduce any discomfort you are experiencing while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. When you take measures to help yourself, your experience will be more positive.
Ask Our Orthodontist for Advice
You can always turn to our orthodontist at the office of Dr. Brodie Bowman for more suggestions to help you with any discomfort you are experiencing from your orthodontic correction. Remember that you are going to have something to show for any discomfort when you finally complete your course of treatment. A beautiful smile will be worth those short periods of time when your teeth are bothering you. Contact us today at our Fort Walton Beach or Niceville location.